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*Discounts vary by insurer between 13% to 16% off regular rates (group discounts are above and beyond all other discounts that you are eligible for). For this group discount you must be a member of UUEC (United Unionized Employees of Canada). The UUEC is an association that you can join if you are in a unionized job, trade or profession and it is currently free to join. If you are insured with any of the participating insurers you will need to wait until your renewal to take advantage of this discount. Group discounts are for eligible members, their spouses and dependents under the age of 25. This program is only available through Reliable Insurance Broker Inc. Call us for a quote and we will be happy to give you pricing. Check out our reviews on google, the reviews you see on our website are real reviews pulled from Google. Conditions: must be able to provide proof of union status, only one $25 gas card per household, and must get a quote on auto insurance.