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Download the home inventory workbook here.


How much contents coverage do I really need?

Download the home inventory workbook by clicking the blue button above. Find out just how much your stuff is worth after all. This workbook will help you figure out what level of contents insurance you really need and you might just be surprised.

We accumulate a lot of stuff in our lifetimes, and while you may place value on the big items in your apartment/rental, such as a couch or a TV; what about the rest of your stuff? Dishes, clothes, linens, curtains, rugs, towels, toiletries, medicine, spices, batteries, and all of the little things in your life.

It adds up! don't get caught without enough coverage on your tenants insurance.

Did you know?

If you are renting, that the building may be covered by your landlords insurance but you are still responsible for your liability. Get tenant insurance and cover your liability. Just because you don't own the building doesn't mean you can't be sued for damages.